Listener Supported Christian Radio
To speak the Word of God over the air waves and to declare that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only begotten of the Father. To establish the Kingdom of God in the hearts and in the minds of the people. To teach the Truth of God's Word to all nationalities. To proclaim liberty to the captive and deliverance to them that are bound to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. To establish WTKC 89.7 FM for future generations to come.
Ephesians 3:10
To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
This is the vision given to Pastor Juan Salinas concerning the radio station WTKC 89.7 FM
it was a Sunday morning in 1999 when I stepped into my church office which was located at 338 N. Main Street Findlay Ohio, I placed my bible on my desk to go over some scripture preparing myself to minister that morning. As I leaned back in my chair the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I was immediately in the Spirit. While I was in a trance the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me the spiritual condition of the city and the surrounding area. The Principalities and the darkness that was and that was coming into this area creating a mind set in the people that would turn them further away from the Lord Creator of heaven and earth.
The Lord challenged me to speak his word over this region to proclaim his name his love and his goodness. A word that would oppose the enemy and expose the enemy of our souls.
I said Lord it would take a radio station to do what you are calling me to do. The Lord spoke to me and said that is exactly what I am calling you to build. He said I will make provision for the vision and touch people to support the work and send helpers to help you bring it together, and it will be established for future generation.
In God the father
Jesus the son of God
The holy Spirit
Repentance for the remission of sins
Baptism in water
Justification by faith in Jesus Christ
The resurrection of the dead
The second coming of Christ
Jesus will judge the living and the dead